Other M is the newest installment of the classic and popular Nintendo franchise, Metroid. Behind its development was a team called "Project M" which consisted of programmers from Nintendo and Team Ninja (the team behind Ninja Gaiden). The goal of bringing in new talent to this old franchise was to really re-invent the Metroid game. Well, Other M is definitely a new take at a classic game, but does it work?
The first aspect of the game worth pointing out is that the game utilizes both first and third person views during game play while only using the Wii control without the use of a nunchuck. Surprisingly, the Wii picks up on the transitions relatively well. The premise for these two modes is that when you are battling enemies you could do powerful finishing moves during normal encounters in third person and finding secrets and pushing buttons and triggers could be done in first person, makes sense, for now.
The game is a graphical masterpiece. It is probably the most visually beautiful game on the Wii right now. There are colorful environments and some good looking cut scenes. Along with the visuals the voice acting is pretty good for a console game. Most video games have a lot of trouble with voice acting (Star Ocean, Final Fantasy are a couple that come to mind); however, Other M did a decent job in providing smooth audio to complement its graphics.
An excellent, vibrant blend of colors do wonders for this games visuals. |
Another odd aspect to the inspection angle is that at some points of the game it goes even further and forces you to stay in first person view, without any movement at all, and find clues on the floors, walls, or where ever. You never really know what your looking for at these points in the game you just have to point the cursor around until you accidentally find something to lock in on. The game does not even let up on this, you have to be on the money at pointing the cursor at what the game wants you to see. These objects may be a very tiny name tag, a very small puddle in the grass that could be mistaken for a small inconspicuous plant, or a computer that you pointed to a million times before the game actually lets you lock in on it. This does nothing to make you feel more involved with the game. It only causes inpatients and frustration to the point where it has made me shut the game off. Especially since for the most part, these clues lead to a mostly anticlimactic discovery.
Ummm...what the hell am I looking for? |
One of the games finishing moves. |
Yeah, that's pretty much the size of it. |
Her dialogue suffers as well. All of a sudden this silent warrior becomes a whiny and foolish cliche. During the game, you stumble upon a facility that one of your comrades point out as a bio-weapons facility and that perhaps the team should scout out the head. Not more than 5 minutes of game play later, Samus begins talking to herself. She comes to the conclusion that it is indeed a bio-weapons facility. There is no need for this re-iteration of information that was already out there. This gives the feeling that the person who wrote the scripts for this game did not have much experience at all with it. Even though this game had such great voice acting, the writing really takes away from it.
Overall, this game was a disappointment. They had so much to work with, enough time to refine what they had, and the talent to make it happen; however, they dropped the ball. As far as if a new take on an old game working is concerned, not this time. The game forces to many awkward camera angles on you. The game forces you to listen to endless bad dialogue. The game forces you to have to claw through so many long and repetitive investigations. The game forces you to do to much and all you get back in return is a mediocre gaming experience. This game is one to rent, you'll play it once and then you'll be happy you won't have to pick it up again.